Thomas Kimmerlin Poupart
Sentimental Evidences (Part. 2)
GB Since 2019, Thomas Kimmerlin Poupart has invited Japanese women—most of whom he had never met before—to document their daily emotions using disposable cameras. The result is an extraordinary collection of intimate moments in a society where personal feelings are seldom shared openly. To date, over 3,000 photos taken by more than 120 female participants compose this unique and deeply emotional portrait. Past exhibitions, such as those held in 2023 (Paris) and 2024 (Kyoto KG+), explored the intricate relationships between Japanese women and their environments—covering themes such as family, intimate relationships, or high school life and work conditions. For the upcoming 2025 exhibition, the artist and Anewal Gallery aim to build on this foundation by showcasing both previously exhibited works and a fresh selection of never-before-seen photographs. This new focus delves into women’s relationships with their bodies, addressing deeply personal themes such as: Motherhood: Experiences of giving birth at home. Illness: The physical and emotional journey through breast cancer. Body Image: Societal pressures around achieving the "perfect body" and self-perception. Nudity and Sexual Education: Cultural and personal attitudes toward the naked body. Freedom and Movement: Reflections on where their bodies might lead them, including questions about leaving Japan. This fresh iteration, created specifically for KG+ 2025, will also leverage the strong community ties of Anewal Gallery to enrich the dialogue. Situated on Horikawa Shotengai, the gallery will host public conferences to explore the evolving role of women in contemporary Japanese society. By fostering both artistic expression and public discourse, this exhibition seeks to offer a profound and multifaceted look at women’s experiences in Japan today.
No. 317 ANEWAL Gallery
no.317 ANEWAL Gallery 堀川団地出水団地第3棟1階317号
Open: 4.18 Fri.−5.5 Mon. 11:00−18:00 Closed: Mon. Tue. Wed. (except the final day)
11:00 - 18:00
協賛|Sponsor: 産業タイムズ社