KG+ 2025



Kenji Mutoh


To express oneself using only one's physical body, which everyone owns, I felt that to express oneself using only one's body, which is owned by everyone, is to face oneself more simply than anything else. The body becomes a vessel and a tool owned by oneself, The body becomes a vessel and a tool owned by oneself, and the way the spirituality of the mind moves it delicately and powerfully, I feel as if the soul resides in the body. This relationship between mind and body is something we should be aware of not only in expression but also in our daily lives. It is something that we all possess. We usually do not know how much of our own mind and body we possess in our daily lives, To what extent are we aware of the relationship between our mind and body in our daily lives? When people try to evolve in today's world, they tend to focus on tools and technology, However, what we really want to value is the only thing we own from the time we are born to the time we die. is the dialogue between our mind and our body, which is the only thing we possess from the time we are born until we die.

MEDIA SHOP gallery

VOX Building 2F 44 Daikoku-cho, Kawaramachidori Sanjo kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Open: 4.21 Mon.−5.4 Sun. 12:00−20:00 Open Everyday

12:00 - 20:00
