Hironori Handa
Things created by God
Photographer Hironori Handa has been photographing the beauty of the natural world as his life's work, and the richness of the human world that lives there. He expresses this beauty through the traditional Japanese culture of hanging scrolls. The colors, shapes, light, and timing of encounters are this moment, but they also continue to rotate forever. There is no coincidence in the beauty and timing of nature, even in our everyday lives. Everything is a whole, and everything has God's will. He captures each moment of such creations of God in photographs. The ever-changing appearance of the natural world is preserved forever, conveying its splendor and making us feel the importance of preserving these irreplaceable things. By expressing them using the technique of hanging scrolls, they can be carried around in a rolled up state anywhere, and the possibilities for exhibition in various situations are expanded. Through many encounters, the beauty and richness of these creations of God leave a deep impression on the souls of those who see them, and they realize that humans are not the only center of the natural world.
Open: 4.12 Sat.−5.11 Sun. 11:00−18:00 Closed: 4.14, 4.15, 4.21, 4.22, 4.28
11:00 - 18:00
協賛|Sponsor: 合同会社パシオン