Danilo Artigas
TIME Danilo Artigas is a cosmologist based at Kyoto University, whose research aims at understanding the first moments of the universe. In this series of photographs, he tries to depict different conceptions of time, inspired by his understanding on physics. ‘Suspended time’ symbolizes the relativity of time and the fact that different observers may experience time differently. ‘Moving time’ is inspired by the old conception of time from Greek philosophers, according to which time is an emergent phenomenon related to the motion of a subject. Following Aristotle’s words, ‘For time is just this number of motion in respect of before and after’. ‘Uncertain time’ represents the fact that, while we move in time, the future always remains unknown to us. This unknown future is symbolized as the outside of the right frame. ‘Unstoppable time’ is an allegory of the Greek god Janus (from the latin ‘passage, doorway’). While the two-headed god belongs to all moments in time, from past to future, the human Janus represented in this photograph is forced to move towards the future.
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