EVENT - イベント


2023.4.15 18:00~20:00 無料

Opening Reception


〒605-0831 京都府京都市東山区山城町278-1

Cindy Bissig

Opening Reception of Japan-based Swiss photographer Cindy Bissig’s exhibition “Blurred Reality - Disoriented”. There will be a short artist talk followed by the opportunity to talk to the artist including some light refreshments.

EVENT - イベント


2023.4.15 18:00~20:00 無料

Opening Reception


〒605-0831 京都府京都市東山区山城町278-1

Cindy Bissig

Opening Reception of Japan-based Swiss photographer Cindy Bissig’s exhibition “Blurred Reality - Disoriented”. There will be a short artist talk followed by the opportunity to talk to the artist including some light refreshments.

OTHER EVENTS - その他のイベント