Akihito Yoshida
The Dialogue of Two
“The Absence of Two” (titled ‘Falling Leaves’ at the time of KG exhibition), presented at the 2017 KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival, depicted the daily lives of the artist Yoshida's grandmother (88 years old) and his cousin Daiki (23 years old), and the end of their daily lives when Daiki suddenly commits suicide. “The Dialogue of Two” begins with the grandmother left alone after the death of her beloved grandson Daiki. The grandmother stands by the window and just stands there gazing out. She eats alone and lies in bed. The sense of loss and despair she must have felt at the loss of her normal life with Daiki must have been indescribable. One day, the grandmother told Yoshida a “story”. This work is a story centered on this “story” that spins a dialogue between those left behind in this world and those who have passed on to the other world, and the depth of love that flows between them through “photographs”.
京都市中京区夷川通高倉天守町742 イナイビル2F.
2F 742 Tenshu-cyo Nakagyo-ku Kyoto
Open: 4.12 Sat.–5.11 Sun. 12:00–18:00 Open Everyday
12:00 - 18:00
*祝日はオープン | Open on National holidays
協賛 | Sponsor: 株式会社Three Books | Three Books