関 康隆
Yasutaka Seki
Vanishing tomorrow
I have been away from home for 30 years, and I happen to be back for life, which gives me a chance to see my agedgrandmother. Every time I see her, she’s in a state of deterioration, and I can’t help but think that sooner or later that day will come. Nothing should be taken for granted. From my experience of the Great Kumamoto Earthquake, I know that ordinary life changes completely and suddenly. It could be a gift if it taught me how fragile life is. It’s necessary to keep in mind that ordinary things in our daily lives can easily collapse. Many tragedies happen one after another. Nature may be askingus what to do under these circumstances. We have to think again how to go through life. Even though we may have some resentment inside of us, we have to let it go or try to see it as a gift from nature. I believe that everyone should have these energies hidden within themselves.
NEUTRAL horikawa
287, Saikachicho, Kyoto Shi Kamigyo Ku, Kyoto Fu, 602-8242, Japan
Open: 4.12 Sat.−4.27 Sun. 10:00−19:00 Open Everyday
10:00 - 19:00