Takehiko Nakafuji
Over the past 30 years I have wandered through many cities around the world, capturing scenes of the city and its people. A snapshot sometimes has an inexplicable power that transcends meaning or explanation. It gives me a strange feeling of having entered the realm of the other side of the mirror, a place that realistically reflects reality, but not reality as it is. I believe that by accumulating snapshots in which chance plays an important role, I can capture something that is different from the appearance of the city as we know it or think of it. All I have been able to do, and will continue to do,is to put myself in the streets, walk as much as I can, and take snapshots of the people and unexpected sights I encounter as my body reacts them.
Photo Gallery & Photobooks Cafe Aquta
〒602-8453 京都市上京区笹屋町3丁目602-2
3-602-2 Sasaya-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto
Open: 5.2 Fri.−5.20 Tue. 12:00−19:00 Closed: Wed. Thu.
12:00 - 19:00
One drink minimum ¥500〜