Shiori IKENO
Open Ends
Shiori’s exhibition ‘Spring Fever’ forms part of Ace Hotel’s global Artist in Residence (AIR) program, providing multidisciplinary artists space to make and exhibit work. The current AIR program in Kyoto was curated by the Tokyo-based gallery ,bookshop and publisher – commune. On her exhibition, Shiori says, “For me, photography transcends a mere profession; it is my life's work, a visual diary, a meditative practice, and an ongoing soliloquy. There is no grand concept or motive behind my work. It's a casual pursuit, capturing the seemingly trivial and insignificant moments of everyday life. I approach photography much like wandering the streets and encountering people. It's a continuous exploration, a study without end, and perhaps, in some ways, a beautiful misunderstanding. My curiosity about the world around me is inextricably linked to my passion for photography.”
〒604-8185 京都府京都市中京区車屋町245−2
Open: 3/7–6/8 0:00–24:00 Open everyday
00:00 - 23:59
キュレーター | Curator: コミューン | commune