渡部 さとる × 2B or not 2B (臼井 奈津雄/露野 公丈/加藤 十兵衛/たけや けいこ/上田 容子(ギャラリー:Place M Yokohama)/上野 眞裕/Eri Kato/あをぢい/沼田 千園)
Satoru Watanabe × 2B or not 2B (Natsuo Usui/Kimitake Tsuyuno/Jube Kato/Keiko Takeya/Yoko Ueda(gallery:Place M Yokohama)/Masahiro Ueno/Eri Kato/Aozii/Chisono Numata)
「 × BANDED 」
This is a group exhibition of new works by Satoru Watanabe, "Banded Waves Formation," and 2B or not 2B, a group of volunteers from the workshop organized by Watanabe. "Banded formation" refers to striped overlapping forms. Waves, for example. There is no regularity in the formations, as they are constantly moving and changing. When an element of uncertainty called "displacement" is incorporated into the photographing process, the waves become striped and undulate, creating a visual effect similar to that of geological strata. It is meaningful not to fix the moment, but to recognize the distortion and displacement and transform them into a force that generates new "undulations". This was the third time for Satoru Watanabe and 2B or not 2B to participate in KG+. In retrospect, it can be said to be a banded (striped)relationship in which the individuals are banded but do not seem to intersect. The title " × BANDED" contains space in the first letter, which represents "individual". And they will compete in a variety of works woven together like stripes.
gallery NISHIRI
京都府京都市東山区祇園町南側578 京つけもの西利祇園店4階
4F KyoTsukemono Nishiri Gion Store, 578 Gion-cho South, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
Open: 5.1 Thu.–5.11 Sun. 11:00–18:00 Open Everyday
11:00 - 18:00
キュレーター | Curator: 沼田千園 | Chisono Numata