Momo Nakagawa
clonal images
We live in a society that, under the guise of a false diversity, categorizes everything by assigning names to them. This society forces us to exist within its framework, one that refuses to accept ambiguity, even though everything inherently carries a vague and indistinct outline. As one way to escape this suffocating reality, I continuously generate “clonal images” by working with machines such as smartphones, computers, cameras, and scanners to capture images of human skin and the walls of buildings. Viewing the act of creation as a form of self-maintenance, I tune my own state through interactions with machines, my partner, or sometimes a third party, disrupting the boundaries between the digital and analog worlds. By harnessing the power of technology, I propagate images—including those that encompass my identity, or our collective identity—into the world. This act serves as one of the ways to ensure my own survival.
450 Tsuboya-cho, Ogawa-dori Oike-sagaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
Open: 5.3 Sat.-5.11 Sun. 10:00-18:00 Open Everyday
10:00 - 18:00