Misato Oka
Web media is flourishing, newspapers have become more attractive as print media. The thin, gray paper and the smell of the ink are as exciting to me as if I were discovering a new material for sculpture. Endless conflicts, the latest fashions, hunger, and disasters, all these are printed inextricably on paper, seem to embody the contradictions of humanity. These photomontages are created by scissors and glue to reconstruct the phenomena boiling up in the world However, she does not cling to them as pictures, but uses selected photographs from one day's newspapers, focusing on coincidence and simultaneity.I then give them new stories, giving the impression that they are not events that took place on another planet. The artist has also given a new narrative to the finished paintings, giving the impression that they are not events that took place on another planet.
kojin kyoto
248-3 Kamonamasu-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-8126
Open: 4.18 Fri.−4.28 Mon. 11:00−18:30 Open Everyday
11:00 - 18:30
Entry: donation
協賛|Sponsor: kojin kyoto