公益社団法人日本広告写真家協会(APA)、朝日新聞社、 共同通信社、産経新聞社、日本経済新聞社、毎日新聞社
Japan Advertising Photographers’ Association, The Asahi Shimbun Company, Kyodo News Service, THE SANKEI SHIMBUN, Nikkei Inc, The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd.
Press Photographers and Advertising Photographers: Comparative Exhibition of Works
The comparative exhibition of works by press photographers and advertising photographers launched in 2015 as a joint project of APA (Japan Advertising Photographers’ Association) and major news agencies in Osaka, aims to convey the thoughts of both photographers and promote the culture of photography. This fourth exhibition in the series, displays various works under the theme of “Photography is a Word”while focusing on the original concept of comparing press photographers and advertisement photographers. Curated and directed by Yuji Tanaka, a renowned copywriter representing the Kansai region, art director Eiichi Sakota, and graphic designer Toshio Kawakami, the display includes works of 15 press photographers and 15 advertisement photographers.
Kyoto City Subway Karasumaoike Station Oike Gallery (Main Gallery)
Toraya-cho Saki, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8171,
(Outside the ticket gates of Karasuma Oike Station, Kyoto Municipal Subway, near Exits 3 & 4)
Open: 4.28 Mon.−5.11 Sun. 5:30-23:55(First to last train) Open Everyday
05:30 - 23:55
キュレーター|Curator: 田中有史|Yuji TANAKA
主催|Host Organization: 公益社団法人日本広告写真家協会(APA)、朝日新聞社、共同通信社、産経新聞社、日本経済新聞社、毎日新聞社
Japan Advertising Photographers' Association, The Asahi Shimbun Company, Kyodo News Service, THE SANKEI SHIMBUN, Nikkei Inc, The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd.