Frederic Leyre
Kodama experiments– Chapter 1 Forest, My Sanctuary-
"Trees are sacred. He who knows how to talk to them and listen to them knows the truth. Trees do not preach doctrines or prescriptions. They preach the fundamental laws of life, not individual matters." These words by Hermann Hesse (German poet) have been coming to my mind frequently since I started my forest-themed project. I often introduce them to people I meet through the project. An old man I met on Yakushima spoke to me about the invisible connection between humans and trees, and taught me that the ancient forests are powerful places for understanding ourselves. A few days later, while walking around the island, in the light of a small clearing surrounded by trees, I felt what the old man had said, and as I took photos, I remembered Hermann Hesse's words again. I hope that my photographs will convey not only the critical situation of climate, biodiversity, and natural resources, but also the precious wisdom that forests can teach us and the connection of circulation.
キュレーター | Curator: 井上かほる | Kahoru Inoue
主催 | Organizer: COCO Gallery
協力 | Cooperation: 株式会社PBADAO、株式会社Voyages