EVENT - イベント


Photographing paper – Searching for the creativity hidden in everyday life –


京都府京都市中京区式阿弥町122-1 ビル4F

A photography event with the theme of "paper". Through the familiar presence of paper, we provide a moment for anyone to become an artist or expressor and discover new perspectives. We will share a time where you can realize how a piece of paper has infinite possibilities, how you capture the light from, and what shapes you create. This event is a simple and free event that you can easily participate in and enjoy even if you have no photography experience. Additionally, after the shoot, we will provide a forum for participants to share their work and the thoughts and methods behind it, providing a place for new awareness and inspiration to emerge.

EVENT - イベント


Photographing paper – Searching for the creativity hidden in everyday life –


京都府京都市中京区式阿弥町122-1 ビル4F

A photography event with the theme of "paper". Through the familiar presence of paper, we provide a moment for anyone to become an artist or expressor and discover new perspectives. We will share a time where you can realize how a piece of paper has infinite possibilities, how you capture the light from, and what shapes you create. This event is a simple and free event that you can easily participate in and enjoy even if you have no photography experience. Additionally, after the shoot, we will provide a forum for participants to share their work and the thoughts and methods behind it, providing a place for new awareness and inspiration to emerge.

OTHER EVENTS - その他のイベント