EVENT - イベント


3000円/組 *小学生以下は保護者同伴の上、家族で1組と計上可能。
開催2日前までに下記リンクから要予約 https://forms.gle/hbmSrMSyVtNkBWFk8  *参加枠に空きがある場合は、インスタグラム等でお知らせし、当日参加もOKとします。

Sun Print - Cyanotype Workshop


〒603-8208 京都市北区紫竹西桃ノ本町60-4 60-4 Momonomoto-cho, Shichiku, Kitaku, 603-8208, Kyoto


Cyanotype is a classic photographic technique, also known as blueprinting, that uses shades of blue to express the brightness and darkness of light. The image is created outdoors in bright sunlight by arranging objects on photographic paper or negative film and sensitizing them to light. It is very easy to do, but it also gives the photographer a chance to think, “What if I do this next? “What will happen if I put this on top?” In the bright spring sunshine, children and adults alike are sure to be enthralled! Everyone is welcome, whether you have experience or not! Please feel free to join us. * I will contact you after your application is confirmed to let you know what you need to bring and any other information.

EVENT - イベント


3000円/組 *小学生以下は保護者同伴の上、家族で1組と計上可能。
開催2日前までに下記リンクから要予約 https://forms.gle/hbmSrMSyVtNkBWFk8  *参加枠に空きがある場合は、インスタグラム等でお知らせし、当日参加もOKとします。

Sun Print - Cyanotype Workshop


〒603-8208 京都市北区紫竹西桃ノ本町60-4 60-4 Momonomoto-cho, Shichiku, Kitaku, 603-8208, Kyoto


Cyanotype is a classic photographic technique, also known as blueprinting, that uses shades of blue to express the brightness and darkness of light. The image is created outdoors in bright sunlight by arranging objects on photographic paper or negative film and sensitizing them to light. It is very easy to do, but it also gives the photographer a chance to think, “What if I do this next? “What will happen if I put this on top?” In the bright spring sunshine, children and adults alike are sure to be enthralled! Everyone is welcome, whether you have experience or not! Please feel free to join us. * I will contact you after your application is confirmed to let you know what you need to bring and any other information.

OTHER EVENTS - その他のイベント