EVENT - イベント



“Moving Garden” Workshop

gallery Unfold

京都市左京区浄土寺馬場町1-3/1-3 Jodojibanba-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City

Photo book artist Liya Lee will host a workshop ahead of her upcoming exhibition, Moving Garden, which will open on May 10 at gallery Unfold. Lee explores themes of living environments by combining photography and bookbinding techniques, using everyday materials to express her works across diverse media. This exhibition and workshop draw inspiration from the Keelung River in Taipei, Lee’s hometown and base of her artist activities, and the Shirakawa River in Kyoto. Together with participants, she will walk along the riversides, capturing the vibrant floral landscapes. The photographs taken during the walk will then be transferred onto stones to create unique artworks. As a source of life, rivers not only nurture rich natural environments but also give rise to diverse cultures. This workshop, which incorporates walking, photography, and printing, offers a valuable opportunity to rediscover the familiar scenery around us through a creative lens.

Language:Japanese, English
Capacity:8 people

・gallery UnfoldのINSTAGRAMもしくはFACEBOOKからDMでお申し込みください。

ご予約の際には、以下の情報を記入してください 。

① 参加者氏名:人数分すべてご記入ください。
② 参加人数:
③ 使用言語:日本語・英語・台湾華語の中からお選びください。
④ Eメールアドレス:
⑤ 携帯電話番号:


EVENT - イベント



“Moving Garden” Workshop

gallery Unfold

京都市左京区浄土寺馬場町1-3/1-3 Jodojibanba-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City

Photo book artist Liya Lee will host a workshop ahead of her upcoming exhibition, Moving Garden, which will open on May 10 at gallery Unfold. Lee explores themes of living environments by combining photography and bookbinding techniques, using everyday materials to express her works across diverse media. This exhibition and workshop draw inspiration from the Keelung River in Taipei, Lee’s hometown and base of her artist activities, and the Shirakawa River in Kyoto. Together with participants, she will walk along the riversides, capturing the vibrant floral landscapes. The photographs taken during the walk will then be transferred onto stones to create unique artworks. As a source of life, rivers not only nurture rich natural environments but also give rise to diverse cultures. This workshop, which incorporates walking, photography, and printing, offers a valuable opportunity to rediscover the familiar scenery around us through a creative lens.

Language:Japanese, English
Capacity:8 people

・gallery UnfoldのINSTAGRAMもしくはFACEBOOKからDMでお申し込みください。

ご予約の際には、以下の情報を記入してください 。

① 参加者氏名:人数分すべてご記入ください。
② 参加人数:
③ 使用言語:日本語・英語・台湾華語の中からお選びください。
④ Eメールアドレス:
⑤ 携帯電話番号:


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